Wednesday, July 24, 2024

New for 2024! (Yes I am still here)

Still working on the fastest rom game library manager: 


Download: Get It Here (Download

Note: Mediafire link is still good but not being updated as I am moving projects to DROPBOX. 


Friday, August 12, 2022

Terminal Launch(er) V v0.0.40b

 First off, yes, removing the "er".  Why? Because. :-)

As mentioned in the previous post, lost many years of work including T.L. Fortunately that what I did back up was perfect and only missed out on some of the cosmetic changes. Those were easily addressed. You will see the menu item "INI" in this version. It is not working yet, however will try to have it functional over the weekend. As far as the title, let me know if you like the more robust version, or if this current one is fine.

Thanks, and enjoy



Thursday, January 6, 2022

Version 5 for 2022!

coming soon.... TERMINAL LAUNCH V
Welcome to the final version of TERMINAL LAUNCH V.  After working on this for over 2yrs, I think I have this the way I want it (and hope you like it as well). TLV was designed with speed in mind: 
Select Console -> Select Game -> PLAY!!!
While there are many many nice "looking" frontends out there, lets face it, the main purpose it to centralize your console/games in one spot to play. Some frontends are so elaborate, that they come off more like a STEAM emulator. I myself, know what game I want to play and it's name. I did not need fancy images, or long descriptions. Why? Because I already have most the games, and prefer to just play them on the PC.

Will there be other updates for TLV? A resounding YES.  Being old-school from the BBS days, I liked the look of some of the systems, so you find in the sparse images, influences of some of the menus.

Version 0.0.38b is fully functional, I just have not migrated it to v1.0.0, only because I am still tweaking it, and there are a few other things I would like. Most of it is cosmetic, layout mainly.

Feel free to comment on what else you would like to see. Enjoy!!

Due to a HD crash and massive loss of files, all backup for TL, only went up to u0.0.35b, So u0.0.40b is actually a clean up, and change to  FROM 0.0.39b. 
NOTE: Update on app is still shows "u0.0.36", New update u0.0.041 will fix this, as well as u0.0.41 will have a ini editor now!! YEAH!!


Example TL.INI File

Terminal Launch TL.INI file example

In case your are new to Terminal Launcher, or just want a quick setup. Here is a sample TL.INI file needed for T.L. to run.  If I get enough request, I will write in an editor. Currently you have to build this by hand. 


;Order of list is critical!!!
;[xxx]        Abbreviated (lowercase) for consoles in brackets.
;TITLE        Long name for system
;PATH        Path to the rom games Backslash REQUIRED!
;EXT        Extension(s) associated with rom games (comma delimited)
;EMU        Full path to Emulator used to launch game, including executable
;PARAMS        Any parameters used with the above emulator.

;the rest is self explanitory
;trailing backslash required
;asterix for ext required
path=D:\EMU Romz\3ds\
emu=D:\EMU Launchers\3ds\nightly-mingw\citra-qt.exe

title=Super Entertainment Nintendo System
path= D:\EMU Romz\SNES\
emu=D:\EMU Launchers\snes\snes9x-x64.exe

title=Sony Playstation 1
path= D:\EMU Romz\ps1\
emu=D:\EMU Launchers\ePSXe205\ePSXe.exe
params=-nogui -loadbin

title=Sony Playstation 2
path= D:\EMU Romz\ps2\
emu=D:\EMU Launchers\ps2\pcsx2.exe

path= D:\EMU Romz\wii\
emu=D:\EMU Launchers\ps2\dolphin.exe
params=/b /e

 Suggested Directory Layout

My suggested directory structure for ALL launchers. I find this works best if you are testing different launchers out, this way no matter which one you use, you will not have to shuffle your consoles and roms around:



    +----EMU Consoles

             + --- Snes

                     +---- snes.exe and other files 

             + --- PS2

                     +---- ps2.exe and other files 

    +----EMU Roms


             + --- Snes

                     +---- snes game collection

             + --- PS2

                     +---- ps2 game collection


Saturday, March 6, 2021

Terminal Launcher IV 2021

 New for 2021  - Terminal Launcher IV

Over hauled again. Simpler interface (if you can imagine that).



Friday, October 23, 2020

Version 3 Here

 Doing a complete re-write. Many settings options, much more control over the organization, search functions, will use a database system for ease of managing.  Still user friendly and simple. (no more config file WOOT!!)

Download (mediafire)


  • built in database for consoles
  • database built on the fly for roms (must have roms in a folder -der)
  • Now does a search instead of listing hudreds of roms as once. whew!
  • Add database info is stored a db folder. NOT editable



  • the is a self executable file - so you can put it where you like. Has no dependencies.
  • Make a folder that contains all your roms: example d:\emulation_roms\gba\
  • Make a foder that contains all your  consoles: example: d:\emulation_consoles\ps1\
  • the launcher will handle anything else.


Currently the modification of the ROMS is not complete. However, it is a simple matter to just delete the corrisponding DB in the db folder if there are any changes, and just run TL3 again, as it will rebuild the db again.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Terminal Launch Rel: 200927

Whats New:
- Mostly fixing a listing .. 

- search coming soon

- More code clean up.

Download (.exe only) (mediafire)

New for 2024! (Yes I am still here)

Still working on the fastest rom game library manager:  TERMINAL LAUNCH Download: Get It Here ( Download )  Note: Mediafire link is still...