Saturday, August 31, 2019

Terminal Launch

Initial 'mock-up' of a game selection for selected console

Initial 'mock-up' of a console selection

I have seen many launchers out there. Most are very elaborate (some that even rival STEAM interface) and others very complex to set up, or some charge, limiting what you can do. At its core, an emu launcher is just that, it allows you to launch all your games in one spot. And as such, I wanted something simple

I decided to make one that is simple as possible. At the time of this writing (8/31/19) it is in alpha stage. Works fine, but there are lots of improvements I want to add to it, both gui and internal programming.

I call it TERMINAL LAUNCH. As the name implies, it will launch all your games from a 'terminal like environment. Bare bones simple launcher. I may in the future add a little eye-candy, (maybe controller support), however, for now, I'll keep this theme.

Download by request only currently. Later, one it is more fleshed out, I will put up a download section.

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Terminal Launch(er) V v0.0.40b

 First off, yes, removing the "er".  Why? Because. :-) As mentioned in the previous post, lost many years of work including T.L. F...