Will there be other updates for TLV? A resounding YES. Being old-school from the BBS days, I liked the look of some of the systems, so you find in the sparse images, influences of some of the menus.
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Version 5 for 2022!
Will there be other updates for TLV? A resounding YES. Being old-school from the BBS days, I liked the look of some of the systems, so you find in the sparse images, influences of some of the menus.
Example TL.INI File
Terminal Launch TL.INI file example
In case your are new to Terminal Launcher, or just want a quick setup. Here is a sample TL.INI file needed for T.L. to run. If I get enough request, I will write in an editor. Currently you have to build this by hand.
;Order of list is critical!!!
;[xxx] Abbreviated (lowercase) for consoles in brackets.
;TITLE Long name for system
;PATH Path to the rom games Backslash REQUIRED!
;EXT Extension(s) associated with rom games (comma delimited)
;EMU Full path to Emulator used to launch game, including executable
;PARAMS Any parameters used with the above emulator.
;the rest is self explanitory
;trailing backslash required
;asterix for ext required
path=D:\EMU Romz\3ds\
emu=D:\EMU Launchers\3ds\nightly-mingw\citra-qt.exe
title=Super Entertainment Nintendo System
path= D:\EMU Romz\SNES\
emu=D:\EMU Launchers\snes\snes9x-x64.exe
title=Sony Playstation 1
path= D:\EMU Romz\ps1\
emu=D:\EMU Launchers\ePSXe205\ePSXe.exe
params=-nogui -loadbin
title=Sony Playstation 2
path= D:\EMU Romz\ps2\
emu=D:\EMU Launchers\ps2\pcsx2.exe
path= D:\EMU Romz\wii\
emu=D:\EMU Launchers\ps2\dolphin.exe
params=/b /e
Suggested Directory Layout
My suggested directory structure for ALL launchers. I find this works best if you are testing different launchers out, this way no matter which one you use, you will not have to shuffle your consoles and roms around:
+----EMU Consoles
+ --- Snes
+---- snes.exe and other files
+ --- PS2
+---- ps2.exe and other files
+----EMU Roms
+ --- Snes
+---- snes game collection
+ --- PS2
+---- ps2 game collection
New for 2024! (Yes I am still here)
Still working on the fastest rom game library manager: TERMINAL LAUNCH Download: Get It Here ( Download ) Note: Mediafire link is still...

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